Sunday, February 24, 2013

February 24, 2013

Sorry for being away so long someone pointed out to me that its been a month since my last update. I enjoyed a nice trip to cuba and found that although I ate bread, pasta, yogurt, and ice cream every day in addition to lots of fresh fruit and steamed veggies. I only put on 1 pound. I didn't have any of the stomach issues I have here in North America. My meal times were control and at 3pm I would go to the coffee bar and eat whatever pastry they had that day. The freshness of the food seemed to make a big difference with not putting on weight.

I did aquafit in the beach twice and this is something I would have never done prior to last year. It was fun and helped to keep me staying fit.

I am in the middle of a new workout program which is making a huge difference. It is another beachbody program. Ten minute trainor by Tony Horton. I am on day 10 and have not missed a day yet. I am only doing one workout a day right now as it is a very effective 10 minutes. Its great that even if I feel like doing nothing else I know that I can get up and do this for 10 minutes.

With the program I lost the 1 pound I put on in Cuba and another pound. I am hoping to lose another 8 pounds in the next 5 weeks and I think it is doable. I love the way my body looks now I am starting to get some muscle. People are noticing the weight loss.

I haven't been cooking much lately most of my meals are vegetarian sandwiches or smart ones frozen entrees. I still stick to the smoothie for breakfast and a yogurt for a snack.

I am now in a buttermilk phase I love how much protein it has as a well as it makes everything taste like it has cream in it. Today I felt like ice cream so I put some frozen fruit, some buttermilk, and some yogurt in the blender and it was a very tasty desert.

Last week I was craving mac and cheese i used buttermilk and cheese for the sauce with quinoa pasta and it was very good.

My ten minute trainor package came with a card and tape measurer to keep track of inches and the loss of inchees at the end of the program. I didn't take my measurements until yesterday but it will be interesting to see the difference in inches. 

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