Sunday, March 10, 2013

March 10, 2013

This week not much change since last week maybe lost a pound but as I haven't been to my regular gym with the digital scale this week its hard to tell. My diet hasn't been that great but I have eaten more veggies than last week.  I tried a new class at the gym body pump I found it too difficult but the instructor kept promising that it takes 3 classes to enjoy it. My free trial will be up before I get the chance to try it again. I have kept with Zumba though and find that it is a great workout.  I wish my gym would offer it.  I have kept with one ten minute trainor workout per day and next week will be the end of the 30 days. I think I will have to do another 30 with 2 workouts a day next.

I wanted to blog about my sunday treat breakfast before I forget. I only managed to eat half of it. I don't usually like pancakes but there was this recipe in chatelaine magazine and the pancakes looked so good I got a craving. As I don't have baking supplies in my house I got some of Safeway's eating right pancake mix and adapted the instructions.

Sunday pancakes

1.mix  1 cup of wholewheat pancake mix
with a half cup of buttermilk and a quarter cup of water.

heat  a pan with a 1tsp of butter or oil
add a chopped up apple
add cinamon

3. Mix all ingredients I used my mixer

4. Cook as pancakes

5. Topping this is just based on ingredients I have but it was good.

mix one tablespoon peanut butter, 1 hershey's mini chocolate square, and 1tsp honey microwave for 30 seconds

I enjoyed it as you can see I ate some before taking the picture.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

March 3, 2013

Let me start of with the most interesting part of my day I saw someone I haven't seen for around 2 months in the grocery store. She noticed I lost weight and then she went around yelling in the store to her family that I lost weight. It was embarrassing yet gratifying considering I was wearing my winter coat zipped up that the weight loss is that noticeable.

The last weigh in was on Tuesday and I didn't lose anything. That is due to not staying on track on the diet. I ate too much chocolate and didn't cook other than smoothies and eggs. I really didn't eat many vegetables during the week.

Today is day 17 for ten minute trainor. The first time I didn't get a workout in daily was three days ago I wasn't feeling well. Then I was mad at myself for missing one so I did two the next day. There really is no excuse to miss these workouts they are ten minutes and over before you know it.

This week I started a group buy voucher for Goodlife fitness. Although I have a gym already goodlife offers dance based classes that my gym doesn't offer. I started zumba on Saturday it was fun and I burned a million calories - okay not that many but i definitely left sweaty. I kind of felt out of shape even though I workout daily I just never do that much cardio. I really wish my gym offered these classes as I know this is something I would stick to and get results with. I have two weeks with the voucher there are 4 more classes that I will be taking which ads more variety to my fitness routine.

Today I drank my last sample of shakeology and I still don't know if I like it or not. I feel the increased energy and its great for getting all those veggies in. I have the chocolate flavour today i mixed it with my remaining buttermilk, yogurt, and peanut butter. It tastes like a malt. The first time I tried it I found it too sweet even though I love sweet things I had mixed it with a banana and soy milk. The second time I mixed it with soy milk, banana, and nut butter and it wasn't sweet.

The problem I have you can't just buy it in stores you have to have a beach body coach or become one for the cheaper price. Its $120 for 30 days. Reading the reviews people think its too expensive but looking at the ingredients $4 for a meal replacement that is so nutritious for me isn't that bad. Keep in mind I used to spend over $5 on daily starbucks. The problem I have is I was hungry after there is no way this is a meal replacement for me. I had to eat a meal an hour later. Granted after that I was fine went grocery shopping and made better decisions than usual my grocery bill was less. I am guessing this is part of the detox process and after 7 days or so this won't happen anymore. Its really hard to tell from the reviews as the coaches are trying to sell this.

The second problem i have is I have never taken supplements or meal replacements. The only reason I was willing to give shakeology a try is the ingredients in it are all things ideally I would have in my daily diet. I don't think I could commit to drinking the same thing daily for the rest of my life. I am interested in maybe doing a 30 day just to see what happens but I will wait for a sale or something before giving that a try.

This weeks goal is to not miss a TMT workout and eat more veggies.