Monday, May 19, 2014

May 17 , 2014

This last week I have been sick at didn't do the workouts. I am going to start another round of 21 day fix from the beginning starting on Monday. This time I am part of a challenge group that will help me stay on track. I have done okay on the eating this week but not the greatest. I also haven't put on any weight but of course haven't lost any either. I did notice one thing I was craving a milkshake (by this point I gave up on this week's fix)  so I went to whitespot got a strawberry milkshake only drank a quarter of it and realized that I like strawberry shakeology better. I drink vegan shakeology for my daily routine but non-vegan tastes like dessert so have been drinking that when I want a special treat. I haven't totally given up. I want to be healthier and get at least the muscles back that I earned from last year's T25 round and inspire others. I am starting a 21 day fix support group in June so either leave a comment on this blog or send me a message at and we can visit if its right for you.

Kale and sweet potato hash
1 green container baby kale
1.5 yellow = 1 small to medium sweet potato
1 spoon = 1 tsp olive oil

heat oil in a frying pan
dice one small sweetpotato
add to pan
pre-heat oven to 350C (please note I use a toaster oven other ovens may vary)
after 5 minutes remove potatoes from pan and place on baking tray
add seasoning I used bbq spice, pepper, and crushed chilies.
place in oven for 10 minutes
then add kale and stir
cook for another 7 minutes
0.5 medium sweet potato = 1 yellow container

make sure oil is hot before adding potatoes

you can skip baking in the oven if you prefer

Sunday, May 4, 2014

May 4, 2014

I am amazed at my week 1 results on 21 day fix. I lost 5 pounds with eating out and missing a workout. I think I am more conscious of what I eat and the realization of what I don't eat enough of. I am usually one container short on vegetables and one on grains unless I eat out being vegetarian I would have never guessed that. I am actually okay on protein but I think that is because shakeology counts as a protein. The workouts are killer but effective. They are thirty minutes including warm up and cool down and there is a break every minute. The motto seems to be you can do anything for one minute. I did realize in the middle of the week that I was actually doing the end of the week ones before the beginning ones. Tried the beginning ones and just as hard. After the hard work out all I was thinking the next day was thank god its a yoga day. My muscles have been very sore each day. I don't like that the dvd are not in order, the workout calendar is not listed in the dvd package, and they say you only need resistance bands or weights but one of the work outs I scrambled to get some water bottles for weights as there was no resistance bands. If you get this program I would suggest getting some weights I do find the moves with the resistance bands are tough because of the limited movement. The good about the workouts I like that a bigger person is doing the modified moves but even the modified are challenging, the workouts are effective, I feel that Autumn is like Shaun T in a lot of her motivation she does motivate you to get through the whole program and not quit. As for the eating plan I find its not detailed enough if you don't just stick to the list of foods she gives you its hard to figure out where things go because it is such a new program I think there will be a lot more information about this once the program has been around for awhile. I struggled to figure out which container raisins belong in. The solution is to just stick to the list for 21 days but that doesn't work for me. This program is very effective and it is a lot of food each day. I only have 14 days left to go so its very doable. For more information about this program and to contact me please go to

Here are some examples of the portions that are allowed
I was trying to make a pancake - 1 pancake is a 1 yellow container. I ended up making a flatbread by accident but just as good
1 yellow container whole grain flour (1/4 of a cup approx)
1 egg = 0.5 red container
1 tsb vanilla (free)
1 tsp  oil
pour on to heated pan
flip when one side is bubbling and brown

all container salad
2 green containers salad, vegetables, including salsa
1 yellow container cooked rice and lentils
1 quarter avacado = 1 blue container
1 orange container cheese
1 red container 2% yogurt