Saturday, August 16, 2014

August 16 Beachbody Challenge Tour

Today was the even with Autumn Calabrese I am even more in love with beachbody now. I pushed myself to go and do the workout in front of her while all my other friends were saying I am not going to go and workout I am really glad I did. The event started out with being able to take pictures iwth beachbody ceo Carl Daikelor and those who know what beachbody is will know he's a bit of a celebrity within the home fitness industry being the creator of shakeology. He was really sweet and no line when I went to get my picture with him. Then Carl talked a lot but it was very interesting with shakeology ingredients coming from local farmers around the world and the reason they can't say its organic because they are sourcing ingredients from home farms. I felt really proud to be associated with a company that not only transforms the lives of people in the western world by helping them get healthy they are also helping people in other parts of the world through their business. You could feel the positive energy in the room as everyone has their own individual story of how beachbody has changed their lives. Then they had a couple of people from victoria talk about their experiences with beachbody one had lost 175 pounds doing slim in 6 (a beachbody program) showed her pants and talked about how people didn't recognize her after awhile. Then another one talked about the ability to buy a plane ticket to go see her sick parents thanks to coaching this is really network marketing and they did talk about the business model but not losing sight of the goal isn't to make money its to help people improve their health. That was the next person Jeff Hill who talked about the business sales side. Then Autum Calabrese was introduced and I loved that she showed up on stage with a starbucks in her hand that's what I love about beachbody trainors they are all real people. She talked about how 21 day fix was created she had a client who she was making workout really hard for an hour a day and she wasn't losing weight and talking to her diet was fine so didn't make sense that she wasn't losing weight. Then they went to eat lunch at a fairly healthy place they both ate salads her client ate the whole one she ate a third they then looked at the calories the salad was huge 1700 calories with no dressing that's when she realized it was the portions that were wrong then her friend gave the program to beachbody and then it has become the most successful launch they have had to date. Then she took questions people asked if she had done a beachbody program prior to being a trainor she said she had bought p90x from an informercial. Then they made us leave the room for 7 minutes while they set it up for the workout. The workout was very similar to the 21 day fix workouts but felt more intense to me maybe having a trainor there to push you is the difference but I got through it and the music was loud. It wasn't as bad as I thought like a class at the gym although I attempted to do push ups which I still can't do she did walk around but didn't correct me the first one minute plank I couldn't stay up the whole time the second one I pushed and did it felt so proud that was because she was like I'll make everyone start over if anyone stops i don't push myself that hard at home.  Then the first 100 people that bought tickets had "won" a picture with Autumn I was one of them so then it was time to line up for a pic dripping with sweat but I wanted that pic. I met a lot of great people and felt very motivated after to work on both my health and fitness and my business/personal development. The only thing I didn't like was they were supposed to give out 3 day refresh and shakeology samples that didn't happen they had mentioned something about how they would be there so I think the shipment got lost or something. Other than that it was a really great event. If anyone is interested in learning more about the beachbody products you can to I will also be starting a 21 day fix eating plan with T25 workouts support challenge group in september if anyone is interested contact me.  

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