Monday, February 9, 2015

February 9, 2015 - rice, potatoes and veggie meat

This week I found out my iron levels were really low which explains a lot of the symtomps I have been having such as shortness of breath, tiredness, etc. I just thought it was from the stress and bad diet. I also learned that shakeology really does work on the lowering cholestoral side as the last time I had taken a test which was pre drinking shakeology my cholestoral was high I was pretty amazed that it is normal now after eating terribly the last few months and putting on those 15 pounds. It has to be shakeology that is one thing I haven't given up I still drink it almost every day. I have also started thyroid medication this week. Its only been a few days but I do feel better already I feel like I have more energy my stomach doesn't hurt. Hopefully things will continue to get better I have to get mind set back into doing T25 I am still working on getting my body to agree to what my mind tells it should do. This week i bought a rice cooker it was $10 and my mom cooks everything in the rice cooker, boiled eggs, pasta, lentils so I thought it was worth a try. My parents grew up in africa and this is a traditional dish from there that has rice, meat, potatoes and spices. It is usually dry they call it uckney (not sure how to spell it) and I usually just call it uckney it was never one of my favorite dishes dry rice isn't for me but with my own spin on it, its very good.

Vegetarian uckney

1 tsbp olive oil
1 small onion diced
2 medium potatoes small diced (I used organic german butter potatoes)
a piece of ginger sliced
spices (I use bollywood spice) and pepper
1 cup rice
2 cups water
half a bag of veggie tips
some pasta sauce (optional) - I was using up an opened jar
it's not bacon (optional)

Heat the rice cooker to warm because it won't let you put it on cook and add the onion to it. Let that saute while you dice the potatoe and slice the ginger. When you are ready add to the pot and flip to cook. Stir occasionally until the veggies are 80% cooked. Add rice to the pot and 1.5 cups water, and pasta sauce if using. Stir and cover. Stir pot occassionally while cooking. If you notice it getting dry or sticking to the bottom add more water. I had to add more water until the potatoes were cooked. While its cooking cook veggie meat according to package direction mine just saute in a pan for a few minutes.
When potatoes and rice are cooked add the veggie tips and enjoy.

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