Saturday, October 26, 2013

One Year update

I just read some past posts and realized its been a year since I started this blog. What's changed? I am no longer looking at pounds and looking at inches instead. I no longer put on weight when I travel. I have been drinking garden of life protein powder 5 days a week for at least 6 months. I still have work to do on my diet. I am committed to working out daily. I have stopped going to the gym. I feel great and healthy. To my followers thank you for all your support.

What are my goals for this upcoming year?

1. Complete T25 gamma
2. reduce my sugar intake
3. reduce processed foods in my diet
4. Lose more inches
5. go down a dress size
6. Get more tonned
7. ultimate goal be able to see my abs

October 26, 2013

I made some really tasty healthy no bake desserts a few weeks ago but have forgotten the recipes now. Just made the no bake pumpkin loaf thought I better post while its still cooling. I will try to recreate the other ones at some point the date fudge was amazing.

No Bake Pumpkin Loaf

I love pumpkin spice type things oh Starbucks but I haven't had any real pumpkin since elementary school. I remember loving pumpkin seeds back then I am not really sure why I haven't used pumpkin since. I have seen so many recipes using canned pumpkin lately I just had to buy a can. Definitely will be buying again. I still have half a can left so will have to make something else.

I used a half teaspoon of butter to toast the oats feel free to omit or use coconut oil instead

toast half a cup oats in a pan
in a blender mix 10 dates, 10 walnuts, 2 tbsp of peanut butter, 1 tbsp of water, cinnamon, 1 tsp vanilla, 1tsp of maple syrup or honey (i used vanilla infused maple syrup)
and mixture to pan with half a cup of canned 100% pumpkin and
2 tbsp of cocoa
cook while stirring 2-3 minutes
Let cool

I just formed it into a log shape and poked a face in it. Its really forgiving you can form any shape or creature you want.

a little halloween fun

Monday, October 7, 2013

October 7, 2013

Week 1 of round 2 done. I switched up the workouts a little between phase 1 and phase 2. I actually find part 1 harder than part 2 but I am still getting a good workout in. I did decent on the diet except for one eating out day where I didn't have a choice in what was ordered.

To satisfy my sweet tooth I have been making easy no -bake healthy treats

The tasty oatmeal raisin bites got me through the week

One cup of quick cooking oats
half a cup of nuts (I used almonds because that's what I had)
half a cup of raisins
2 tbsp of peanut or other nut butter (all natural of course)
1 tbsp of honey
2 tbsp water

I discovered the magic binder is actually water works really well.
Toast oats in a pan
grind nuts in a blender
add remaining ingredients to pan
shape into balls and press into cookie shape
let set in the fridge for a few hours