Friday, June 20, 2014

Piyo Workout

New post coming soon but I wanted to let everyone now that Piyo this is pilates yoga mix low impact high intensity hard core results is finally out and on sale
a challenge pack is $140 includes shakeology which normally costs $130 on its own. Go to to order, this one is very popular and is going to sell out. 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

June 15 2014 -shakeology

I skipped a couple of workouts this week and think I went a little of track not too much but I haven't had a chance to cook or make anything. Shakeology is a real saver in for those days were you just have too
much to do and don't feel like doing any of it. This is a non-Vegan version and in another week I will have the new vegan formula so a vegan picture will come.
1 package tropical shaekology
a quarter cup of buttermilk
2 ice cubes
Blend in magic bullet enjoy the healthiest meal of the day.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

June 8, 2014

I guess it was supposed to be the end of the 21 day fix eating plan but I binged a little this weekend and I think at least on the weekdays this has become a habbit now.  Shakeology for breakfast, something from freshii that lasts me 3 meals either rice noodles with tofu and veggies, or salad with tofu and veggies for lunch, strawberries and a banana as a snack and 1 piece of chocolate and some nuts, a tall cappaccino in the morning, and then dinner is whatever i feel like cooking which these days isn't much.  I think I am doing pretty well still and I am still some time to go before finishing T25 haven't measured or weighed this week. Today was one of those days where I just wanted something that wasn't super healthy. I have been craving a slice of white bread for awhile, I never buy this because I know I will eat the slice and the rest will go to waste and going to restaurant for a slice of toast isn't the same. So I found a bakery got the smallest loaf of white bread I could find and made this. This would fit into the 21 day plan as a replacement for a treat yellow container, 1 protein, 1 blue, and 1 orange. I actually wasn't hungry after this so lunch consisted of shakeology.
French Toast with mascarpone cheese, maple syrup, and strawberry garnish
I was going for treat breakfast but feel free to switch to coconut oil, wholewheat bread, and vegan cheese that would make this dish healthier.
heat frying pan on medium
add 1 tsp of margerine
crack egg in bowl and 1 tsp of buttermilk, mix with fork
dip 1 slice of bread (this is a very thin but wide slice of bread) in the egg turn
place on pan pour remaining egg mixture onto bread
flip bread when one side is brown
when both sides are brown place on plate
drizzle with 1tablespoon of maple syrup
add 1 tablespoon of mascarpone cheese
slice two strawberries arrange on top of bread
Eat enjoy and don't feel guilty
as long as you are doing a program comment if you need help choosing one

Monday, June 2, 2014

May 31 t25 workout and 21 day fix eating

I switched to doing t25 workouts in the morning along with the 21 day fix eating plan two weeks ago. I haven't measured yet but my clothes that weren't fitting are now so I know this working. (I weighed after I wrote this after a day of food festival eating I am still another two pounds down.) My cravings really have reduced now so shakelogy works. I was standing in the Starbucks line the other day I still haven't given up my  one tall soy cappuccino a day looking at the good display and realized nothing in it looked appealing to me. That is very different than before where I always wanted a cookie or a brownie now I crave salads a do shakelogy and t25.  For more information on shakelogy and to contact me go to
I saw a Korean recipe the other day where the tofu was coated in egg then pan fried I made this tofu egg curry based on that and it was delicious I almost ate the whole thing in one meal.

1 onion diced
1 block medium firm to extra firm tofu I used medium because it was on sale
1 egg
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp curry spice
1 jalapeño pepper
1/2 a bunch cilantro
1 tomato
Salt and pepper
1 tsp oil

Rinse and pat dry the tofu cut into 1 inch slices set aside
Crack egg in a bowl mix with all spices
Heat pan and sauté onions
Dip tofu in egg mixture and place in pan my pieces broke apart here

Add jalapeño and tomato to pan
Sauté until brown flip tofu and stir other ingredients
The mixture will turn more crumbly
When its cooked add cilantro and stir.
Tofu and onions I forgot to add the tomato and jalepeno I added it at the end.