Sunday, June 12, 2016

Pressure Cooker Pasta and June 11 week update

There isn't much to say on the fitness front I don't think I did a workout this week. Why? At the beginning of the week it was really hot unusual for this time of year so I just wanted to sleep after that I was super busy at work and was getting home really late the super hot days I also didn't do the morning walk that I have been doing. I didn't have the energy to workout. I know excuses and I shouldn't let things get in the way of working out but they do. I really need to work on the time I get to bed as I don't get enough sleep and then hopefully switch to morning workouts. I was pretty good on my diet this week those chickpeas made a good addition to my lunch wraps all week and I managed to drink shakeology a few times I am not back into the everyday it. In the end I did put on a pound this past week I know my body needs that workout to really energize it. This week's recipe I made up I read a few pressure cooker lasagna recipes but I didn't want to spend money on ingredients since I didn't know if it was going to workout. I bought the lasagna noodles, the jar sauce, and some cheese slices all were on a pretty good sale so just a few dollars if I had to waste anything. To my surprise it turned out great. Next time I would add less water and maybe the cheese a little earlier. Next time I would also add some fresh veggies, some veggie meat, maybe some ricotta.
I put 2 cups of water in the pressure cooker pot, 5 lasagne noodles that I broke into pieces with my hands, a small jar of rose sauce and set the timer for 17 minutes then I released the steam and opened up the cooker. I tried the pasta it was good so then I added frozen europe best grilled veggies and 3 cheese slices (1.5 mozzerala, and 1.5 marble) and set the timer for another 7 minutes. What happened to the other half of the cheese slices? I ate them. Today I heard on the radio that cheese has now been proven as addictive as drugs because of the amount of milk protein that is needed to make it. After 5 minutes I could hear the sauce boiling in the cooker so I turned it off. It tastes great the noodles are a good texture. The only problem is that is a little watery but it tastes like pasta not soup. I will definately be using this recipe again.  The next day the sauce has thickened up and it still tastes great. My mom says when she makes pasta in the pressure cooker she only puts in a few tablespoons of water I will try that next time.

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