Sunday, July 21, 2013

After Week 1 of T25

One of the greatest thing about this program is even though I feel its a 7 day a week program I have not missed a day. Well I haven't done today's stretching yet but I am going to do it right after this post. Technically its a rest day but there is a stretching workout to be done today.

On Saturday I was really happy I left the second workout from friday for Saturday. If I didn't do that I was feeling like I missing something. That workout was cardio which was the same workout I wrote about in previous post. It was different this time, when you actually focus and do what Shaun T tells you like suck in your stomach and tighten your gluts when you squat its an intense workout. Its also a fantastic workout one that you know you just keep pushing yourself but its doable.

Yesterday was stat day I have not weighted myself as I am waiting to go to the gym. I have lost inches already pretty much at least half an inch everywhere. That's only after a week. I could play find the differences with my before and after week 1 picture.

So this week
monday - cardio - nailed it

tuesday - speed 1.0  - nailed it (i really like this one as you would go really fast for a minute and then do a yoga pose or stretch for a minute)

total body circuit (barely made it) - I kind of blocked this one out I know it was tough i think a lot of planks, pushups etc, but its one that I can work on and I know I will become better

Thurday - Ab intervals (barely made it) - I hated this one, I was like what happened wasn't Shaun T the inventor of abs without getting on the floor. This is mostly floor work like scissors. I find this is really hard on my back. I did like supermans which is good for strengthening your back. I think I am going to replace this one with one of the dvd's from my other shuan t programs. Its seems to only be the double workout for the next two weeks so maybe ill do a longer hip hop abs workout that day.

Friday - Lower Focus - Nailed it - there is a lot of doing things while standing on one leg very difficult exercises but you know they work.

Saturday - Cardio - nailed it I already talked about this one.

My favorite Shaun T quote of the week, you are moving your lower body and sweat is pouring out of your head that's how you know your working.

Sweat has been pouring out of my head all week but it feels great.  I did take a break today and pretty much binged all day hopefully take a day off from working out and eating right doesn't throw my results off track.

I am looking forward to another week of this.  I better go do that stretching.

Monday, July 15, 2013

July 15 -T25

The program I have been waiting months for is finally here.

So far I have only seen reviews of people that have done insanity. So here is a review from someone who has no desire to do insane workouts and I am not a coach. I am a huge beachbody fan though. The idea of this program is its 25 minutes a day 5 days a week. Well that's how it was marketed. In reality its 25 minutes + a 3 minute cool down. Friday is 2 workouts but you can choose to do the 2 second workout on saturday and sunday is a stretching workout. So essentially in my case its a 7 day a week workout.

Part 1 is alpha its 5 weeks getting your body ready for part 2. Part 2 is beta and as far as I can tell its more strength training that's when the resistance band or weights come out. For the first 5 weeks the only equipment is a mat.

I really like that they have this on 11 dvd's with the diet book, and calendar all nicely package in smaller than book size packages. They really want you to take this with you everywhere and not miss a day.

I actually like the diet as there are a lot of vegan options this time. Usually I find I can't follow diets because of the lack of vegetarian consideration. I am not into diets.  This one is all about clean eating which I am a fan of. Its all about making things quick you have to have your quinoa, lentils, and brown rice pre-cooked then there are recipes to use those ingredients with. I am not following the diet as I am set in my eating. Chocolate is now on the list of super-foods so my addiction is justified. I will try some of the recipes though future blog posts to come.

They have included the workout calendar with boxes of if you nailed the workout or barely made it each day. It was nice to check off nailed it this morning. They also have STATurday on the calendear so you can keep track of your progress each week. We will see if there are any results at the end of the week. Its only day 1 but if it stays like this I can do this. I enjoyed it I kind of thought it was like zumba without any dancing its mostly the boring gym moves but its Shaun T flair so I didn't get bored.  Day 1 is cardio. The only thing I found that I didn't like is there is no warm-up and a lot of jumping at some points I had to do the modified workouts because of this. Other than that I actually found rockin' body harder. You are only doing each move for about a minute so I didn't feel I got worn out or tired and if I did there was the modified moves for almost everything. I really enjoyed day 1 thought it was fun. I was actually scared I wasn't going to be able to do this one but it was no problem. I am looking forward to day 2 have a feeling it is going to get harder, kind of like the first day of school.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

July 7, 2013

I did manage to wake up at 5 and do a workout a couple times in the last week. The days I didn't I still worked out except for one day. I thought it should be a rest day but it actually threw me off. I was more lazy than the days I did work out. So I guess I will stick with it. I am still waiting for T25 to arrive but I will start doing that as soon as it comes. i am really excited about this one.

Its summer my apartment is always hot. I leave the windows open in the winter. July is always the worst. This year we had a heat wave I found I was drinking a lot of juices and drinking a lot of calories.  I always seem to have left over cucumber at this time of year and limes are 4 for $1. I was wondering what I should do with them.

I made this cucumber lime drink. I thought I would mix it first then add sugar or something else to it. To my surprise its really good on its own. I actually crave this drink now and its so easy. I stocked up on cucumbers today. Very cooling and refreshing.

Cucumber Lime Drink

half a cucumber (I did peel mine you can keep it on if you like)
juice of 1 lime
Mix in magic bullet

add in some seltzer water
add in some sweet fruit
add in some fruit juice
or sweetner

I did try adding some fruit juice to it I didn't like it. I liked it better on its own. I might try adding ginger and mint to it one day.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy Canada Day I return

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. I did go off track while not writing. I was sent away for work stayed in a hotel room with no kitchen for a month. I actually did pretty well with losing a few pounds even with eating out every day. I did have my workout videos with me but usually I would just take naps. Getting enough sleep is really important. The problem has been being back home I just can't back into my routine. Definitely no time for naps man I miss having my meals made for me and housekeeping, and walking to work.

I started to feel some of the health issues I experienced prior to discovering beachbody workouts and trying to eat right. The workout videos were still in my suitcase prior to this weekend. I did go to the gym a few times and I do walk outside a lot. It wasn't enough especially the way I feel after those workouts they are fun and a great stress relief. I do still drink garden of life protein shake but I am only drinking a scoop once or twice a week right now. Sometimes if I am too lazy to make dinner I'll just drink that.

So the workout I have been waiting for months now finally came out. Shaun T's - T25. For those of you that know me you know that I am in love with mr. abs. Although I have only done hip hop abs and rockin' body. I don't think I will ever do insanity but I have inspired others to do it. T25 is the workout for me 25 minutes 5 days a week. I hate long workouts I just want to go fast and get  it done I don't like taking breaks cause its hard for me to start up again. This seems like the perfect workout for me. I just ordered it and have to wait another week for it to be shipped.

So this week and I started 3 days ago I am committed to doing one 25 minute workout each day. Rockin' body has a 25 minute party express which I did twice but then my muscles hurt. I then did two ten minute trainor workouts (2 ten minute workouts plus 5 minutes warm-up/cool down). I am hoping tomorrow I can be one of those people that wakes up at  5 am and gets the workout done. This is not me I am a night person but I would love to stay committed to working out in the morning we will see how it goes.

Its the middle of a heat wave and I am in an apartment that is always super hot in July. I am going to need morning showers regardless of working out so hopefully I can get it done.

I have a lot of food posts to catch up on and I will try. Most of the summer I just eat simple salads or eggs so there won't be too much on the food part. A hot apartment doesn't mix with a hot stove. For now here are a few canada day things I prepared while being super lazy. Pictures to come.

Watermelon and Feta salad

Strawberries for freezing

strawberry and lime smoothie