Monday, April 14, 2014

April 13 update and shakeology

I just ran for the train and felt extremely unfit. Another bad eating day this weekend. I have been trying to get back into t25 I did do a workout each day this weekend and I am going to try to do one everyday this week I said try.  I am craving shakeology more and more now. I felt like a treat breakfast this weekend so here is my tee at shakeology recipe. I am now a beachbody coach all my posts prior to today were before becoming a coach and I mainly signed up for the shakeology discount . However if you are interested in any of the beachbody products I talk about here you can go to

Chocolate orange
1 orange
5 hazelnuts
1 Hershey's special dark single
1/2 banana
1 package chocolate shakeology

Blend and enjoy

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