Sunday, December 2, 2012

December 2

This week I learned what happens when you fall off track and get out of the routine. I had a few cheats here and there and missed a few workouts and did not use the calorie app. Fortunately I did not put on anything didn't lose anything either. The problem with getting off track is its so easy to not go back there are so many excuses too busy, this is happening etc. Even knowing that I feel so much better emotionally and physically if I stick to the healthier life somehow the unhealthy life is right there to suck me in watching tv and eating processed food is a lot easier than making fresh food and working out. Anyways I am back on track now and on my way to feeling better.

There is something to using gadgets to help with your weight loss. I bought a block a  cheese to see how well the chopper would chop it. Worked great the cheese reminded me of cauliflower I don't like cauliflower but I would probably like it if I chopped it up like this. A future recipe to come.

There is a recipe in the book that came with the chopper for peanut butter. I attempted to make nut butter without following the recipe. It didn't turn out like nut butter but the ground nuts were nice.

I had opened a bottle of cashew hazelnut butter so I added the natural oil from the jar into the nuts and a bit of water.

Then I made tomorrow's dessert

half a frozen banana
1 lindt chocolate mini
1 tbsp nut puree

1 comment:

jon wilson said...

Really very informative .....keep sharing.
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