Monday, October 13, 2014

October 13, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving. I know I have a lot of catching up to do and there are many soup recipes that needst o be shared with you but since its Thanksgiving today I attempted to make a thanksgiving soup. It looks good but the taste not so good I am going to try adding some cream to it later and see what kind of difference that makes. Otherwise sometimes experiments don't work but in the spirit of sharing here is the recipe. I actually think it might be the stock that I don't like the taste off mixing with the cranberries. I would try this again using orange juice instead of stock. Update was very good with some whipped cream added to it.

Thanksgiving vegan soup.

1 onion roughly chopped
1 apple roughly chopped
1 cup cranberries
1 cup vegetable stock
1 cup water
1 bag of butternut squash
spices of your choice I used curry powder, and herbs.

put everything in the soup maker and wait 26 minutes and you end up with.

Now for a recipe that isn't all that healthy but will give you an idea of a good portion size if you decide to take a day off and treat yourself like I do.
Breakfast Pizza

half a mini pizza crust
olive oil
1 egg
1 tsp cream cheese
1/2 avocado
1 ounce cheese in this case I used Daiya jack

Please pizza crust in oven until warmed. Place olive oil in pan and fry /scramble egg add turn of heat and add cheese mix until melted. Spread cream cheese over the pizza crust. Top with egg mixture. Slice avocado and fan over egg. Enjoy
Happy Thanksgiving I am grateful for my readers. 

Friday, September 5, 2014

September 5, 2014 vegetable soup recipe

Lets start with how bad i have been I just can't seem to get out of vacation mode eating. We started a weightloss challenge in my office there just happened to be a scale hanging out. I have 30 days to win  $100 I am heavier than everyone else and I put on vacation weight so I should have the best chance of winning you would think that would motivate me but I am still succumbing to the cravings. Dinner has been good that soup lasted me until yesterday and it was nice to know dinner was just waiting for me when I came home. I did start doing T25 workouts this week again and since i am running a challenge group that really should motivate me my big belly hanging out should motivate me too. In the end I have lots of things to motivate me but I still struggle. So the next soup is cooking right now I forgot to add any fat to it the last one was a little bland I added more spices this time as I didn't have any stock. If it turns out its going to be one very healthy soup.

Vegetable soup maker soup
1/2 red onion chopped
1 apple roughly chopped
2 carrots roughly chopped
1 sweet potato roughly chopped
I didnt' have any ginger but i had some left over gingerale a quarter cup I added that
add spices (I added dried herbs, salt, pepper, and chili flakes) use whatever you want.
add to soup maker and press smooth button.

Have to wait another 16 minutes to see the final product its starting to smell really good in here.


okay not bad still a little bland and needs some more flavour. Lets see what adding some fat and not so healthy ingredients will do.
 I added about half this container of cream
and some cheese a piece half the size of what is showing in the picture
and now

So delicious if your vegan its still a prett good soup without the cheese and cream but its delicious with it. So satisfying. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

September 1, 2014 Soup Maker

I went on vacation and totally ruined my progress pigged out and my gut is now hanging out of my pants. So tomorrow T25 will start again my challenge group for 21 day fix eating and T25 workouts starts on friday. If you are doing either program you can join my group contact me at and 21 day fix is on sale for the month, prices are now in Canadian dollars for Canadians.
I bought this soup/smoothie/juice maker I found that its much too large a smoothie I put a banana and chocolate shakeology and water in there this morning and had 4 cups to drink.

Juice might be okay but soup was the main purpose fresh soup in 30 minutes was thinking I just come home from work do T25 and I will have soup ready when its over. Since one batch is pretty big I think I have enough soup for a few days its a nice gadget.

My mom gave me some bbq veg
My dad gave me so veg from his garden (kale, basil, tomato)

It all went in the soup maker except a tomato, one tomato chopped went in and so did some spice

Close the lid and choose mode I chose smooth, the blender part at the end is a bit loud.

26 minutes later the loud alarm goes off 
and yummy , healthy, delicious soup ready for the week

Saturday, August 16, 2014

August 16 Beachbody Challenge Tour

Today was the even with Autumn Calabrese I am even more in love with beachbody now. I pushed myself to go and do the workout in front of her while all my other friends were saying I am not going to go and workout I am really glad I did. The event started out with being able to take pictures iwth beachbody ceo Carl Daikelor and those who know what beachbody is will know he's a bit of a celebrity within the home fitness industry being the creator of shakeology. He was really sweet and no line when I went to get my picture with him. Then Carl talked a lot but it was very interesting with shakeology ingredients coming from local farmers around the world and the reason they can't say its organic because they are sourcing ingredients from home farms. I felt really proud to be associated with a company that not only transforms the lives of people in the western world by helping them get healthy they are also helping people in other parts of the world through their business. You could feel the positive energy in the room as everyone has their own individual story of how beachbody has changed their lives. Then they had a couple of people from victoria talk about their experiences with beachbody one had lost 175 pounds doing slim in 6 (a beachbody program) showed her pants and talked about how people didn't recognize her after awhile. Then another one talked about the ability to buy a plane ticket to go see her sick parents thanks to coaching this is really network marketing and they did talk about the business model but not losing sight of the goal isn't to make money its to help people improve their health. That was the next person Jeff Hill who talked about the business sales side. Then Autum Calabrese was introduced and I loved that she showed up on stage with a starbucks in her hand that's what I love about beachbody trainors they are all real people. She talked about how 21 day fix was created she had a client who she was making workout really hard for an hour a day and she wasn't losing weight and talking to her diet was fine so didn't make sense that she wasn't losing weight. Then they went to eat lunch at a fairly healthy place they both ate salads her client ate the whole one she ate a third they then looked at the calories the salad was huge 1700 calories with no dressing that's when she realized it was the portions that were wrong then her friend gave the program to beachbody and then it has become the most successful launch they have had to date. Then she took questions people asked if she had done a beachbody program prior to being a trainor she said she had bought p90x from an informercial. Then they made us leave the room for 7 minutes while they set it up for the workout. The workout was very similar to the 21 day fix workouts but felt more intense to me maybe having a trainor there to push you is the difference but I got through it and the music was loud. It wasn't as bad as I thought like a class at the gym although I attempted to do push ups which I still can't do she did walk around but didn't correct me the first one minute plank I couldn't stay up the whole time the second one I pushed and did it felt so proud that was because she was like I'll make everyone start over if anyone stops i don't push myself that hard at home.  Then the first 100 people that bought tickets had "won" a picture with Autumn I was one of them so then it was time to line up for a pic dripping with sweat but I wanted that pic. I met a lot of great people and felt very motivated after to work on both my health and fitness and my business/personal development. The only thing I didn't like was they were supposed to give out 3 day refresh and shakeology samples that didn't happen they had mentioned something about how they would be there so I think the shipment got lost or something. Other than that it was a really great event. If anyone is interested in learning more about the beachbody products you can to I will also be starting a 21 day fix eating plan with T25 workouts support challenge group in september if anyone is interested contact me.  

Thursday, August 14, 2014

August 4, 2014

Just a quick update. I have been continuing with the 21 day eating plan somewhat without even realizing it drinking shakeology is a daily thing now and I find I just eat less overall. I feel like I have been eating a little extra junk food while its been hot but I am still losing weight so something is going right. I have been trying to do 21 day fix workouts as on saturday Autumn Calabrese will be in Vancouver and I will be going to the seminar which includes a workout. I thought I would be more motivated to work out than I have been. I have only been doing them 3 times a week. All my friends said are you kidding I am not coming to do a workout in public my coach says I will meet braver people. I used to be one of those people that would never go to a public workout or had ever done a burpee in my life. T25 was really the program that changed my life and taught be how to do burpees and planks and its finally on sale Beachbody will launch in Canada on August 28 and from this date this sale will no longer be available to Canadians so if you are interested get it now. See my previous posts about the program. I just wanted to do a post before I take a picture with Autumn Calabrese I am so excited about this but I am also extremely nervous about having to workout with her watching. The eating plan has enabled me to lose almost 10 pounds in the last 5 months with me cheating and not feeling like I was doing much work so that's amazing.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Potatoes and Shakeology -July 13

Its hot wierd summer cravings and not wanting to cook creates an interesting meal plan for me. Here is an article on shakeology Sometimes its just a quick meal for those days when you don't feel like cooking somedays its better than a milkshake nice cool of drink. So I have been craving pototoes-fried potato wedges to be exact but I don't deep fry and no one sells good ones around here so I bought two yukon potatoes and parboiled them yesterday.
Roasted Potato Wedges

2 preboiled yukon gold potatoes
pre-heat oven to 375
cut potatoes into wedges (cut in half then each half in half)
place on baking sheet
pour 1 tsp of oil, seasoning mix i used greek seasoning, salt, and other spices as desired onto wedges
turn each wedge over and repeat spice seasoning
place in over for approximately 30 minutes flip half way through cooking. 

Since this was breakfast and I wanted protein what better thing to add then shakeology I added some frozen fruit and mixed in the magic bullet and it turned out like this I bet if I froze it I would have some really good textured healthy ice cream I don't have the patience to see so i ate it with a spoon.
Don't forgot to contact me if you need more information on shakeology or any beachbody products or you need any help with your fitness journey.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July 1, 2014

Happy Canada Day. I did a couple of T25 workouts in the last couple of days to make up for my bad week. Going to try and stick with the workouts. Nothing much to report otherwise fell off track but going to jump right back in. Shaun T is calling this salad week and posting a different salad recipe each week so here's one of my own. One of my former bosses when I worked in a restaurant used to make me make him a version of this he called it egyptian salad mine is slightly different based on ingredients I had will just call it a tomato and pickle salad.

Tomato Pickle Salad

2 tomatoes cut in chunks
3 pickle slices diced
1/2 cucumber cut in chunks
whatever spices you want
I used an herb mix and a chipoltle finishing salt, and pepper

Toss everything in a bowl and eat

Bonus Recipe

I wish I had something like watermelon to make this red but this will make a good halloween drink. My dad gave me basil from his garden and I had a whole bag of limes.
Lime Basil Refresher
1 lime
2 basil leaves
club soda
chop lime add basil and mix in magic bullet
strain I got a great strainer that came with the juicer
add club soda to fill cup

Friday, June 20, 2014

Piyo Workout

New post coming soon but I wanted to let everyone now that Piyo this is pilates yoga mix low impact high intensity hard core results is finally out and on sale
a challenge pack is $140 includes shakeology which normally costs $130 on its own. Go to to order, this one is very popular and is going to sell out. 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

June 15 2014 -shakeology

I skipped a couple of workouts this week and think I went a little of track not too much but I haven't had a chance to cook or make anything. Shakeology is a real saver in for those days were you just have too
much to do and don't feel like doing any of it. This is a non-Vegan version and in another week I will have the new vegan formula so a vegan picture will come.
1 package tropical shaekology
a quarter cup of buttermilk
2 ice cubes
Blend in magic bullet enjoy the healthiest meal of the day.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

June 8, 2014

I guess it was supposed to be the end of the 21 day fix eating plan but I binged a little this weekend and I think at least on the weekdays this has become a habbit now.  Shakeology for breakfast, something from freshii that lasts me 3 meals either rice noodles with tofu and veggies, or salad with tofu and veggies for lunch, strawberries and a banana as a snack and 1 piece of chocolate and some nuts, a tall cappaccino in the morning, and then dinner is whatever i feel like cooking which these days isn't much.  I think I am doing pretty well still and I am still some time to go before finishing T25 haven't measured or weighed this week. Today was one of those days where I just wanted something that wasn't super healthy. I have been craving a slice of white bread for awhile, I never buy this because I know I will eat the slice and the rest will go to waste and going to restaurant for a slice of toast isn't the same. So I found a bakery got the smallest loaf of white bread I could find and made this. This would fit into the 21 day plan as a replacement for a treat yellow container, 1 protein, 1 blue, and 1 orange. I actually wasn't hungry after this so lunch consisted of shakeology.
French Toast with mascarpone cheese, maple syrup, and strawberry garnish
I was going for treat breakfast but feel free to switch to coconut oil, wholewheat bread, and vegan cheese that would make this dish healthier.
heat frying pan on medium
add 1 tsp of margerine
crack egg in bowl and 1 tsp of buttermilk, mix with fork
dip 1 slice of bread (this is a very thin but wide slice of bread) in the egg turn
place on pan pour remaining egg mixture onto bread
flip bread when one side is brown
when both sides are brown place on plate
drizzle with 1tablespoon of maple syrup
add 1 tablespoon of mascarpone cheese
slice two strawberries arrange on top of bread
Eat enjoy and don't feel guilty
as long as you are doing a program comment if you need help choosing one

Monday, June 2, 2014

May 31 t25 workout and 21 day fix eating

I switched to doing t25 workouts in the morning along with the 21 day fix eating plan two weeks ago. I haven't measured yet but my clothes that weren't fitting are now so I know this working. (I weighed after I wrote this after a day of food festival eating I am still another two pounds down.) My cravings really have reduced now so shakelogy works. I was standing in the Starbucks line the other day I still haven't given up my  one tall soy cappuccino a day looking at the good display and realized nothing in it looked appealing to me. That is very different than before where I always wanted a cookie or a brownie now I crave salads a do shakelogy and t25.  For more information on shakelogy and to contact me go to
I saw a Korean recipe the other day where the tofu was coated in egg then pan fried I made this tofu egg curry based on that and it was delicious I almost ate the whole thing in one meal.

1 onion diced
1 block medium firm to extra firm tofu I used medium because it was on sale
1 egg
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp curry spice
1 jalapeño pepper
1/2 a bunch cilantro
1 tomato
Salt and pepper
1 tsp oil

Rinse and pat dry the tofu cut into 1 inch slices set aside
Crack egg in a bowl mix with all spices
Heat pan and sauté onions
Dip tofu in egg mixture and place in pan my pieces broke apart here

Add jalapeño and tomato to pan
Sauté until brown flip tofu and stir other ingredients
The mixture will turn more crumbly
When its cooked add cilantro and stir.
Tofu and onions I forgot to add the tomato and jalepeno I added it at the end.

Monday, May 19, 2014

May 17 , 2014

This last week I have been sick at didn't do the workouts. I am going to start another round of 21 day fix from the beginning starting on Monday. This time I am part of a challenge group that will help me stay on track. I have done okay on the eating this week but not the greatest. I also haven't put on any weight but of course haven't lost any either. I did notice one thing I was craving a milkshake (by this point I gave up on this week's fix)  so I went to whitespot got a strawberry milkshake only drank a quarter of it and realized that I like strawberry shakeology better. I drink vegan shakeology for my daily routine but non-vegan tastes like dessert so have been drinking that when I want a special treat. I haven't totally given up. I want to be healthier and get at least the muscles back that I earned from last year's T25 round and inspire others. I am starting a 21 day fix support group in June so either leave a comment on this blog or send me a message at and we can visit if its right for you.

Kale and sweet potato hash
1 green container baby kale
1.5 yellow = 1 small to medium sweet potato
1 spoon = 1 tsp olive oil

heat oil in a frying pan
dice one small sweetpotato
add to pan
pre-heat oven to 350C (please note I use a toaster oven other ovens may vary)
after 5 minutes remove potatoes from pan and place on baking tray
add seasoning I used bbq spice, pepper, and crushed chilies.
place in oven for 10 minutes
then add kale and stir
cook for another 7 minutes
0.5 medium sweet potato = 1 yellow container

make sure oil is hot before adding potatoes

you can skip baking in the oven if you prefer

Sunday, May 4, 2014

May 4, 2014

I am amazed at my week 1 results on 21 day fix. I lost 5 pounds with eating out and missing a workout. I think I am more conscious of what I eat and the realization of what I don't eat enough of. I am usually one container short on vegetables and one on grains unless I eat out being vegetarian I would have never guessed that. I am actually okay on protein but I think that is because shakeology counts as a protein. The workouts are killer but effective. They are thirty minutes including warm up and cool down and there is a break every minute. The motto seems to be you can do anything for one minute. I did realize in the middle of the week that I was actually doing the end of the week ones before the beginning ones. Tried the beginning ones and just as hard. After the hard work out all I was thinking the next day was thank god its a yoga day. My muscles have been very sore each day. I don't like that the dvd are not in order, the workout calendar is not listed in the dvd package, and they say you only need resistance bands or weights but one of the work outs I scrambled to get some water bottles for weights as there was no resistance bands. If you get this program I would suggest getting some weights I do find the moves with the resistance bands are tough because of the limited movement. The good about the workouts I like that a bigger person is doing the modified moves but even the modified are challenging, the workouts are effective, I feel that Autumn is like Shaun T in a lot of her motivation she does motivate you to get through the whole program and not quit. As for the eating plan I find its not detailed enough if you don't just stick to the list of foods she gives you its hard to figure out where things go because it is such a new program I think there will be a lot more information about this once the program has been around for awhile. I struggled to figure out which container raisins belong in. The solution is to just stick to the list for 21 days but that doesn't work for me. This program is very effective and it is a lot of food each day. I only have 14 days left to go so its very doable. For more information about this program and to contact me please go to

Here are some examples of the portions that are allowed
I was trying to make a pancake - 1 pancake is a 1 yellow container. I ended up making a flatbread by accident but just as good
1 yellow container whole grain flour (1/4 of a cup approx)
1 egg = 0.5 red container
1 tsb vanilla (free)
1 tsp  oil
pour on to heated pan
flip when one side is bubbling and brown

all container salad
2 green containers salad, vegetables, including salsa
1 yellow container cooked rice and lentils
1 quarter avacado = 1 blue container
1 orange container cheese
1 red container 2% yogurt

Sunday, April 27, 2014

April 27

Just came back from vacation ate too much didn't work out and the belly is showing it. I received 21 day fix in the mail. I really have no excuse not to do it anymore I am healthy, have more spare time than before with my job change, and I am motivated to get in better shape. I am sure I can come up with an excuse not to do it but I really shouldn't have any. 21 days fix containers are smaller than I expected but it seems like a decent amount of food per day just the right portions and not a lot of filler foods. The program is all about portion control and eating foods in the right portions plus a 30 minute workout everyday I haven't tried it yet but from the reviews I have read the workouts are less intense than T25 but great. This program is a little complicated at first it comes with colour coded containers. Green is for vegetables I get 4 of those a day, purple for fruit I get 3 a day but my banana will be 2, red it for protein 4 a day shakeology counts as protein, yellow for grains, 3 per day and 3 times a week can sub one for a treat, wine, or juice, blue is for good fats nuts, avocado, orange is for dressing and seeds, and a teaspoon 4 a day haven't really figured out the small containers yet. Tea and coffee is allowed but only with a little non fat milk and soy milk is considered a treat so I should be giving up my latte a day but I will just go to the smallest portion I can just not ready to give it up yet. The program allows cheats and things like 1 waffle or a small tortilla are a yellow container. It gives you the container equivalent if you are going to be eating out. So let's see if I can stick to this one for the next 21 days. For more information about this program go to

Today's lunch gluten free pasta, tofu stir fry, and a bit of cheese
1 yellow, 1 red, 1 green, one teaspoon - it was actually a lot

 I started today so far I I have done pretty well. Shakeology for breakfast - 1 red, a small banana - 1 purple.
cut tofu into cubes this will make 4 servings

this is the next best to my homemade everything is fresh in it

let tofu sit in the salsa while you prepare other ingredients

chop half an onion and 10 mushrooms then saute

after tofu, onions, and mushrooms are almost cooked add frozen veggies 2 green containers 
Add 2 green containers of kale

Tofu stirfry serve with pasta or rice I used a gluten free pasta

Friday, April 18, 2014

April 18, 2014 - Easter Brownies

Becoming a beachbody coach is giving me the motivation to press play everyday. Even though I am not fully set up yet  feel like I need to do more now to prove the programs work.

I have done a T25 workout everyday since my last post. Next goal is to work on eating better. If you need more information on beachbody products go to It is Easter weekend so this week's recipe is a bit of a treat. I have to admit I couldn't stop eating them They were a hit at work and the comment was that they taste like two bite brownies this is a much healthier version.

2 cups hazelnuts
3/4 cup icing sugar
2 eggs
3/4 cup cocoa
1 tbsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup buttermilk
1 tsp of olive oil

Place nuts, icing sugar, cocoa in blender or magic bullet and mix until nuts are ground

add eggs, vanilla, buttermilk, and oil and blend until consistency of cake batter
line a baking pan with parchment paper. Pour mixture into pan and bake at 350C for approximately 35 minutes.